We are excited to announce that we are opening registration for Spring Conclave Regional Convention! Please see below for convention details: LOCATION: Camp Stein, Prescott, AZ. Thursday April 20-Sunday April 23, 2023. COST: $375.00 (WE HAVE LIMITED SPOTS, SO DO NOT MISS OUT)
Registration closes on 5:00pm Friday April 7th- NO EXCEPTIONS! SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarship is available by applying here. Please note that all scholarship applications are due by Friday, March 24th 5:00pm. All applicants will be notified of their status on Friday, March 31st. (Applying for scholarship holds your spot for registration)
TRANSPORTATION: There will be busses from each city. Tucson will have a bus leaving from the JCC, Scottsdale will have two buses from the JCC and Vegas will have rental vans leaving from a location to be determined. Information regarding drop off/pick up times will be sent out prior to the convention. Participants MAY NOT drive to or from the convention. If teens are leaving early/coming late please email me at tperez@bbyo.org.
WHAT IS SPRING CONCLAVE REGIONAL CONVENTION: Our Conclave Regional Convention is a culmination of a year-end celebration of the past programming year. Highlights include Shabbat, The State of the Region as given by Our Regional Godol and Regional N’siah, The Election of our Regional Board, as well as many fun programming moments throughout. It is certainly a convention not to be missed!
CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations made on or before April 3rd at 5:00 PM will be eligible for a full refund. Cancellations received after April 3rd will not be eligible for a refund under ANY circumstances. Please reach out via email at tperez@bbyo.org if you have any questions. We look forward to having your teen join us!
Conventions are an exclusive BBYO Member Experience, which means your teen must be a BBYO member in order to register. Membership is a one-time payment of $249, and lasts all through high school! BBYO members have access to incredible programming at the chapter, regional, and international level, and your teen will be joining a global brotherhood and sisterhood with over 100 years of history. This is the perfect first convention to attend as a part of our Region as you will get to participate in the tradition of being regionally inducted with your siblings! Join us for this amazing weekend.
+ More... - Less...Until Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 8:00 pm
* Registration closes on April 7th at 5:00 pm
3400 W Camp Pearlstein Rd
Prescott, AZ 86303