Temple Beth Shalom of the West Valley is presenting its Religious School Open House from 3-5 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Temple, 12202 N. 101st Ave. in Sun City.
Temple Beth Shalom reopened its religious school in 2023, as part of the congregation’s wish to create a multi-generational community. Students from the entire West Valley are welcome to join. There is no charge for kindergarten students.
Temple Beth Shalom’s “Little Jewish Schoolhouse in the West Valley” provides both individualized and personalized instruction. There will be three grade levels: K-2, 3-6 and B’Nai Mitzvah through Confirmation held at the Temple from 9 a.m. to noon Sundays.
“We want to help each student to feel emotions related to the biblical stories and ritual acts they are learning about. Our educational experience is not just about learning facts but is centered on what those facts can and do mean for us as human beings,” said Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan.
Volunteer teachers work with students under Rabbi Kaplan’s guidance. Parents will be encouraged to participate in learning with Rabbi Kaplan about the subject of the day at the same time the students are in class, creating an opportunity for family interactions regarding the material.
“We provide an engaging and inspirational learning environment for our students,” said Mariane Anderson, Religious School director.
Families of religious school students are actively involved in the religious and social life of the Temple, including attending services on Friday nights.
“Our Temple is committed to providing a warm and caring environment for all students to explore their spirituality. We hope to inspire each student to develop a love of Jewish learning and provide the opportunity for them to participate actively in Jewish ritual and holiday observances. Our curriculum also includes Jewish prayers, Hebrew, the Bible and contemporary Jewish life,” he added.
For further information, please contact the TBS office at 623.977.3240 or templebethshalomaz@gmail.com, or go to tbsaz.org.
+ More... - Less...12202 N 101st Ave
Sun City, AZ 85351