The history of the Jews of Spain is a remarkable story that begins in the remote past and continues today. For over 1300 years, Sepharad was the home to a large Jewish community noted for its richness and virtuosity. From their arrival to the Golden Age, they enjoyed under Islam and Christianity. Spanish Jewry thrived for many centuries. That all came to a thundering conclusion in the 15th century with the creation of the Spanish Inquisition in 1478 and the final expulsion in 1492. Their absence prevailed for hundreds of years until they began to trickle back to the iberian peninsula in the 19th century. Today, the Jewish community there is still small in size but always growing in stature. Will the growing tide of Anti-Semitism in Europe turn back the clock on Jewish progress in Spain? Join us for this interesting talk that traces the last 2,000 ears of Spanish Jewry and whether their future will be as turbulent, albeit successful, as their past.
About the Presenter
Moisés Hassán-Amselém, born in Seville of Moroccan and Algerian heritage, is an honorary lecturer on Holocaust-Shoa Studies and Antisemitism at the University “Pablo de Olavide” in Seville, Spain. He also collaborates on a regular basis with “Universidad Loyola”, a private institution owned by the Jesuits with campuses in Sevilla and Cordoba.
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