The New Shul in Scottsdale Arizona is home to a community of Jews who are growing in their religious lives through learning, prayer, and service to others. We welcome everyone, wherever on their Jewish path they may be. We believe that tradition and community are the soil in which the individual can grow and flourish. 


We believe that Torah is an ever-living source of meaning, which opens our hearts and minds to God. We are committed to learning and to teaching our children in a spirit of intellectual honesty and openness, and to growing together in an atmosphere of trust and respect. 


We are an egalitarian community, committed to modernity. At the same time, we have a deep reverence for ancient forms of worship. We believe that traditional liturgy is a powerful means of self-expression, which binds us to each other, to the past, and to God. 


We understand that opening ourselves to God means opening ourselves to the image of God in one another. We take responsibility for supporting one another in times of need, and to serving the larger community. 


The New Shul is an independent synagogue, not affiliated with any organized movement.