Congregation Beth Israel is a Reform Jewish Congregation in Scottsdale, Arizona, serving over 700 families and the larger community. CBI welcomes visitors and guests to weekly, uplifting Shabbat services and meaningful programs throughout the year. As a community, our love of Judaismprovides a key foundation and meaningful bond. We strive to infuse Jewish values in everything we do.
We are a vibrant Jewish community. Warmth, tradition, inclusiveness, and inventiveness guide us as we strive for deeper connections to Torah, God, and Israel. As a center of Jewish life in the Valley of the Sun since 1920, we understand where the Phoenix Jewish community has been and we are committed to being part its future.
We open our arms to you and say WELCOME to our Kehillah Kedoshah, our holy community! As a community, our love of Judaism provides an essential foundation and meaningful bond. We strive to infuse Jewish values in everything we do.