Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley began over seventy years ago in Mesa, Arizona.  We offer a friendly, warm, and supportive environment in which Jews by birth and by choice and non-Jewish family and friends celebrate the richness and beauty of Jewish life through life-cycle events, communal worship, and education. 


Mission Statement 

TBS-EV is an inclusive East Valley Conservative Congregation.  We are egalitarian and enrich Jewish life by promoting growth spiritually, ritually, educationally, and socially while serving the greater community. 


Core Values 

Welcoming: Actively invite and engage the community (internal and greater) 

Inclusive: Respectful of all individuals and their unique gifts 

Caring: Ensuring for well-being of others in the community 

Learning: Foster the journey for Lifelong Jewish Education.  We provide an excellent religious education in a lifelong learning curriculum, from Pre-B’nai Mitzvah through Adult education. 

Persevering: The Little Shul that Could (70 years +) 

Safety: Congregate in peace 


Vision Statement 

We strive to be deeply connected to each other and to the greater community through meaningful collaborations to both enrich and elevate Jewish life while serving others. 



We are located at 3400 N. Dobson Road in Chandler, Arizona.  Facilities include a sanctuary, social hall, religious school, youth lounge, administrative offices, and Judaica shop. Our campus is also home to the Desert Jewish Academy. 


Governance and Affiliations 

TBS-EV is governed by a board of volunteer directors. Every member of our community is welcome and encouraged to contribute his or her talents, expertise, and energy to our hands-on congregation that fosters strong social bonds among its members. TBS-EV is formally affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). 


Jewish Solidarity and Israel 

TBS-EV supports world-wide Jewish solidarity and the State of Israel.