Throughout history, Jews have been a people on the move, from the nomadic Abraham and Sarah to Moses wandering in the desert, to the massive relocations of the modern era often spurred by antisemitic violence and poverty. As roughly 90% of all Jews now reside in either Israel or North America, it can be argued that in the 21st century, the Jewish people at last achieved a level of demographic stability. Yet, a closer look at the demographic trends in one of these centers, the U.S., reveals that within this population concentration, Jewish inter-regional migration rates are on the increase.
Michael Weil, an economist by training, born and educated in Great Britain, has spent most of his career working in strategic change, organizational development, and economic, social, and urban planning. Weil has a B.Sc. in Economics with Technology from City University, London, and an MA in Development Economics from Sussex University. In 2008, Weil was voted one of the 50 most influential Jews in America by the Forward newspaper. Today, he serves as a member of the International Advisory Board of Limmud, the Board of Limmud North America, and the Management Board of the Israel Movement for Urbanism. From 2013-2016, he served on the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency as the sole representative of 54 Intermediate Federations.
Currently, Michael Weil lives in Jerusalem, Israel, and Scottsdale, Arizona, while traveling frequently in between and works on a select number of strategic assignments.
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