Are you looking to attend Senior Summer Camp in June? During the month of June 2023, JFCS Creative Aging will be offering a summer camp for seniors at Beth El Congregation in Phoenix.
Israeli Folk Dancing Series with Juli Hosler: Wondering where to put your creative energies this summer? Consider an Workshop! Dancing is not only good for the heart and soul, it’s fun! You’ll learn some traditional Israeli and folk dances, and even choreograph a dance together by the end of the session! This workshop is offered at a combined beginner and intermediate level. Some prior dance, helpful. So, grab a friend and sign up for Israeli Dance!
Meet your instructor: Juli Hosler, an experienced dancer, choreographer and instructor.
Acting with a Script: Scene Study and Monologues with Dolores D’Amore Goldsmith: Participants will work on individual monologues as well as with other actors in scenes. No prerequisites required -no memorization required. We will create specific characters through costuming and movement.
Meet your instructor: Dolores D’Amore Goldsmith an award-winning theatre artist whose career spans five decades. Her actor training includes Daytona Beach Playhouse, Stetson University Drama School, Scottsdale Community College, Southwest Shakespeare Conservatory, D & D Acting Masters’ class, and Mike Nichols’ New Actors School.
Tai Chi for Health and Wellness with Ray, the Tai Chi Guy: This is an exercise class using tai chi martial arts and relaxation breathing skills for health and wellness. Emphasis will be on basic balance, flexibility, and relaxation skills. Each session includes simple stretching and balancing exercises. Students will then learn tai chi moves that exercise both the body and mind. Students will also learn simple breathing techniques for relaxation related to the tai chi movements. Ample time to practice will be provided. Comfortable clothes and shoes are recommended.
Meet your instructor: Raymond Sol, MS Ed.Raymond Sol, MS Ed., a Master’s degree level teacher, has been teaching Tai Chi – Guang Ping Yang 64 Form and The Simplified 25 Form – for more than twenty years. He is the President and owner of the Tai Chi Body Balance LLC, a health and wellness Consulting Service: Tai Chi Body Balance LLC.
Our Best Friends Writing Workshop Series with Duane Roen: Some of us may have had one best friend throughout our lives—that neighbor or first-grade friend who has stayed with us for decades. Some of us, though, may have had a series of best friends—one in elementary school, one in secondary school, one in college, one in more recent years. And some of us may have added best friends along the way, so that we now have “a group of best friends.” We will begin this workshop by talking about some of our best friends and what role(s) they have played in our lives. After that, we will each write about a best friend.
Meet your instructor: Duane Roen has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children and other family members. Combining his professional and personal interests, Duane worked with colleagues to establish courses on writing and recording family history at Arizona State University. He also is founding coordinator of the Project for Writing and Recording Family History in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at ASU.
Watercolor Painting with Nancy: Enjoy creating beautiful watercolor paintings in a relaxed, non-competitive environment. All levels of painters, from absolute beginners through advanced, are welcome. In this class, different watercolor techniques will be covered, such as painting in a splashy style as well as a semi-dry brush, negative painting, utilizing salt and sponges to add texture and masking off portions of the painting. Elements of composition and design will be discussed as well as color mixing and pushing color for more dramatic results. Each week, a different lesson will be provided. Advanced students are welcome to work more independently, from their own photo reference, if they prefer. Individualized attention will be provided.
Meet your instructor – Nancy Price: My paintings are meant to be a visual reprieve from the stresses of everyday life. I grew up surrounded by art that my parents collected from trips around the world. Although I have always been drawn to various creative arts, including painting, photography and poetry, my educational background is as a clinical social worker. I soon recognized the healing power of art, combining art with therapy when helping young children overcome the trauma of abuse. The process of painting is meditative and spiritual as well, which is what led me as a young adult to begin painting.
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