By: Manya Mandala & Jessica Berman


What is Swift Carnival? The Carnival is an annual event held at the Palomino Campus to introduce new participants to Swift on Saturday, February 25th. It’s a day filled with fun and games for volunteers and kids. There are so many activities to do between a photo booth, sports, dancing, and even a dunk tank! Carnival is a great way to get involved with Swift and see what it’s like volunteering with the kids. As a volunteer, you can run an activity booth, the prize booth, or be a group leader. Carnival is free for all participants, and Swift has a goal of 300 kids. This event couldn’t be possible without the help of the gracious sponsors. For information on how to volunteer or be a sponsor go to www.swiftyouth.org/carnival2023 or call 480-443-5645.

What to Expect as a Volunteer at Carnival! 

Plan on arriving at Palomino (15815 N. 29th St, Phoenix AZ, 85032) at 9:30 am for check-in. There will be a brief orientation and then you will help with some set-up before the kids arrive around 11 am. Once they arrive, everyone will have a delicious lunch (plus snacks for volunteers!). Then, Carnival will have officially begun! Maybe you’re leading a booth, or maybe you’re a mentor, but regardless of your role as a volunteer, it will be a day filled with fun. As a booth leader, you will be stationed in your specific area to facilitate a carnival game or other fun activities. As a mentor, you will be responsible for taking the youth participants throughout the Carnival and interacting with them, but also making sure they are always safe. After winning prizes, watching people get dunked in the dunk tank, and having a Carnival-wide dance party, the kids will begin to leave at 2 pm. You should expect to help with clean-up until around 3 pm before checking out. We hope you’re just as excited for the Carnival as we are! If you are interested in volunteering, you can still sign up, we hope to see you there!
Watch our 2022 Carnival video!


We would like to thank Operation Toothbrush (ASU’s Pre Dental Society) for hosting our January Swift Saturday! The kids loved hearing about college and learning about how to better care for their oral health. Operation Toothbrush has now hosted two Swift Saturdays and about 10 after-school programs in the last two years, they are a valued partnership, we love working with them!
Looking to get more involved with Swift? Curious how you or your company can be part of the mission? Join us at our first donor breakfast, Coffee for Camper on March 8th from 7:30-9:00am. You’ll have a chance to learn about sponsorship and volunteer opportunities, meet board members, and discuss with the Swift Staff what the next year for Swift will look like. Reserve your spot now!


How did you get involved with Swift and how long ago?
I first volunteered my freshman year of high school as a counselor. My family told me about it as I was growing up as they were involved when Swift started. It wasn’t IF I would be a part of Swift, it was WHEN. For the last 13 years, I have volunteered at Carnival, Camp Swift, donor events, and even started a Swift kickball team. I am now the Vice President of our newly-formed Young Professionals Board. It’s my honor to continue to give back to the organization.
How has being a part of Swift made a difference in your life?
Swift has taught me so much during my time as a volunteer, specifically, how to stay organized in my life. My experience has taught me the meaning of perspective and how to be there for somebody no matter what has gone on in their life. It has introduced me to so many life-long friends who continue to play a role and impact my life. Swift has played a role in my ever-growing journey, whether it’s writing a Letter of Recommendation or serving as a reference for a job or university, and it continues to play a role. I am so excited about Swift as it continues to create these life-changing experiences for kids, adults, and the entire Arizona community.
Do you have a story about the positive impact on a child?
As Camp Swift’s Staff Director this past summer, I was truly behind the scenes organizing daily logistics, and it’s rare to stand in front of the group. But at the end of Camp, I stood in front of everyone and shared how thankful we are to host Camp Swift with this specific group of people. Though many of the adults and campers will return, this exact group will never all be together again. Afterwards, in one of my most powerful moments, a camper ran up to me and said, “I’m going to miss you.” I later learned that this camper was not previously able to attend school but because of Camp Swift, he started school in the fall.
What are the different positions you have held at camp?
I was a counselor, support staff, lifeguard for 6 years, Unit Head, Director of Logistics, and Staff Director 4 times.
What is your advice for other volunteers?
Never be afraid to ask your friends, family members, or people at school to volunteer with Swift. Recently, I have been inviting all kinds of community members to participate so they can experience Swift and share it with their friends and family members, too.
Team Grilled Cheese or Tomato Soup?
I’m always Team Grilled Cheese!

Mentorship Corner

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.”
-Steven Spielberg
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