I am now convinced that the greatest gift one can give their high school graduate is a gap year in Israel. I have learned that #masaisrael truly has a program for each and every person.
Today we met Aardvark Israel in Tel Aviv. I was so impressed with their different offerings and the care they take to craft programs to meet the needs of their participants. We then went to Torah Tech- a combination of a learning program for boys with high tech internships in Tel Aviv.
We went to Israel XP on the Bar Ilan University campus. It’s a program for Modern Orthodox young people with University learning and incredible volunteer and travel experiences. Finally, we met Arevim Year of Service doing dedicated volunteer/work within different sectors with amazing connections with the community. (To be said with an Israeli accent)
Wow wow wow! So many amazing opportunities thru Masa Israel.
My day was capped off with another highlight. I was able to hug and spend an evening with friends from summer camp. My heart truly was so full.
I am struck with how surreal it feels to walk around and carry on with life as normal knowing our hostages are so close yet unreachable. I want to enjoy all that Israel has to offer but am keenly aware of the fighting happening so close by. There is such pain everywhere yet we need to push through so as not to let Hamas win. We talked about the struggle of how to embrace Purim this year.
I am reminded of the breaking of the glass at each Jewish wedding. In times of joy, we are reminded there is still sadness and brokenness.
Gam ze ya’avor. Am Yisrael Chai!
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