Women IN Philanthropy, a program of the Center for Jewish Philanthropy, is getting ready for a day of connecting and giving back to our local community. On Sunday, February 25th, Jewish women in the community will gather for a light breakfast and program before heading out in groups to participate in social action projects at organizations across the Valley.
Click here for details about the event.
The organizations and projects that will take place include:
Bureau of Jewish Education: Volunteers will organize the BJE library. This will include sorting and categorizing books and setting up a childrens area.
Shemesh Camp: Volunteers will put together activities for camp and youth programming.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service: Volunteers will shelve and organize items for the JFCS pantry.
Smile on Seniors: Volunteers will package care and love packages for seniors in the valley.
Fruitful: Volunteers will pack small care packages and hand write cards for women and couples going through infertility treatments.
Gesher Disability Resources: Volunteers will decorate rocks to build beautiful rock gardens for Gesher’s residential homes.
Chabad of the East Valley: Volunteers will pack boxes for Florence and Harold Drucker Comfort Food Pantry.
Kivel: Volunteers will interact with Kivel residents while playing board games and working on puzzles together.
PJ Library, A Program of the Center for Jewish Philanthropy: Volunteers will paint bookshelves to create a PJ Library book corner.
Arizona Jews for Justice: Volunteers will create care kits and write heart-filled letters of support to those women who experience homelessness.
AZ Kosher Pantry: Package meals for distribution to people in need.
Jewish Care Network: Package care packages for patients in hospitals throughout the valley (this is a 1 hour project so will conclude at 11:30)
Phoenix Holocaust Association: Create beautiful challah covers that will be used at monthly Cafe Europa luncheons for local Holocaust survivors.
Friendship Circle: Volunteers will pack birthday packages for children, teens and young adults with special needs.
Special thank you to our wonderful host committee for all their hard work in making this a meaningful event!
WIP Cares Co-Chairs: Nicole Perilstein and Mara Pernick
Host Committee: Nicole Appel, Amy Axelrod, Rachel Bronson, Debra Friednash, Amanda Garcia, Janice Greenberg, Brooke Khazanovich, Liz Kitay, Jamie Kornbluth, Ivy Lesser, Jodi Lustig, Lauren Mishlove, Nicole Myden, BethEl Nager, Renee Neier, Anna Oren Taylor, T Schoen, Lindsey Seitchik, Elana Storch, Bailey Tocco
FOR MORE INFORMATION, or to discuss event sponsorship opportunities, email Kaylie Medansky at kmedansky@phoenixcjp.org or call 480.481.1788.
Thank you to our annual sponsors: ASU Jewish Studies, ROI Properties, Lane & Nach P.C., Michelle Kort, and Kierman Law.
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