We hope you will consider filling out the survey- it will take 5-15 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for helping serve the Jewish Community and making us stronger.
Hello All, I am a current genetic counseling graduate student at Arizona State University. I am currently working on my thesis project regarding the understanding of Jewish Genetics and the conditions that are associated with Ashkenazi Jewish descent in the Greater Phoenix Area. If you would be willing to spend 5-15 minutes to take my survey, I would be greatly appreciative. While there is no direct benefit from you for taking the survey, my hope is to create new educational programs for the Phoenix area to bring awareness to genetic conditions that affect our community. Thank you in advance for your time. If you have any questions about this project, please reach out to me at dgottli3@asu.edu.
Daniel Gottlieb
To take the survey, select link below:
For more information on the project: Survey Flyer
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