The next season of programming of the East Valley JCC is starting soon! Here’s a look at what is happening in August.

Open Beit Midrash offers two classes beginning this month: ‘Jewish History: The Journey of the Jewish People” at 10 a.m. and “Maimonides: A Controversial Leader” at 11 a.m. Classes are Thursdays, Aug. 4-Sept. 22 (except for Aug. 25). Sign up here.

Tuesdays at the J is back in person! A welcome back event with coordinator Adrian Bendick is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 23. Chandler Assistant City Manager Tadd Wille will be joining us on Aug. 30 to discuss what’s happening in Chandler. Register here.

The new season of the Israeli Film Series starts Sunday, Aug. 14 with “Leaving Paradise,” a documentary about Cleo and his dream of establishing a family commune on a Brazilian farm with his wife and 15 children. Find out what happened when his children discovered their surprising heritage as you watch from the comfort of your home anytime that day. Register here to receive the link.

We are excited to partner with Project Inspire for a special event for women on Sunday, Aug. 28. “Light Up Your Home, Light Up Your Life” features guest speakers Sunny Levi, a champion martial arts Taekwondo master and Vera Kessler, host of the “America’s Top Rebbetzin’s Podcast.” A complimentary brunch is included. Registration is required here.

The EVJCC’s annual meeting will be held on Zoom this year, at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 30. Registration details will be announced soon.

Our next JBox Food Pantry is Wednesday, Aug. 31. The food pantry is open to all. To reserve a box of nonperishable groceries, visit and pick up your box between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.  Volunteers are wanted to help pack the boxes on Tuesday, Aug. 30. Sign up here to volunteer.

Additionally, Mahjong games are happening every Monday, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sign up here.

Coming up in September

Save the dates for these September programs!

Sept. 1-22: Four Evenings of Why: Lifecycle Events. Bring whatever questions you have about Jewish lifecycle events for this virtual interactive discussion with Rabbi Michael Beyo. 7:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays on Zoom. The class is for interfaith couples, people curious about Judaism and anyone who wants to learn more about Jewish lifecycle events. Register here.

Sept. 18: Music and Sweets for the New Year: An evening of wine, yummy nosh and desserts by Chef Melinda and live music featuring Odessa. 6:30-8 p.m. at the East Valley JCC.

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