The East Valley JCC is starting a new education program geared toward the TikTok generation: Torah.Tok.

The program will include videos of stories and issues that are different from what is traditionally taught, both in content and format. The aim is to present Torah and Tanach (Prophets, Judges, and Psalms) in a modern, inquisitive, fun and engaging way for Gen Z. 

“We plan to publish between three to four TikTok videos every week on a variety of subjects,” said Rabbi Michael Beyo, EVJCC CEO. “Our first topic is Chanukah. We tell the ‘true’ story of Chanukah – which is very different from the story we have heard in Sunday school. It is full of political intrigue, military conquests and court backstabbing. Torah can be engaging and relevant to Gen Z – these videos convey that in an interesting way.”

Initially started in Israel, this program gained popularity and has over 1M likes and more than 60K followers. Working with its founder, Sharon Binyamin, the EVJCC created an English language presentation for American Jewish audiences.

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