We are standing at another crossroads, this Shabbat we are finishing up the fourth book of the Torah, the Book of Numbers, or Ba’midbar in Hebrew, and next week we begin the fifth and final book of the Torah, Deuteronomy. I say final and yet it is a never-ending story for our lives as Jews because we anchor ourselves by this circling through these five books of Moses year after year after year. Its been 3,300 years so far. The books may be the same, yet we are not. Each year we spiral through our stories older, wiser and more surrendered to the rhythms of life which meander on their way despite our protest.
In our Torah reading this Shabbat we count the many stops that have destined our journey since our release into freedom from Egyptian slavery. We count the steps of freedom. We recall every way station, every town, every village, every emotion. The message is clear as day, friends it says, count your steps for only then will you learn how to step intentionally. Guide your feet to places where words of God and faith are heard. Let your steps design the life your soul hungers to live. For it is in intentional stepping that the soul is able to direct the course and know this truth, our lives are all about bringing forth into life the soul that is so deeply hidden within our hearts, often times never even recognized. Without the soul we are robots, going through the motions of self-preservation. What a waste in light of the miracle and majesty of life itself.
This Shabbat is a perfect time to look back and chart the path that has your name on it and the stops along your way. Look deeper into the rhythm of your journey and the meaning it reveals about your unique life. For we all have been invited into this life purposefully, with a gift to give that only you possess.
May this Shabbat peacefully reveal to you, the meaning of your steps and the insight to know where to place your feet tomorrow.
Rav Ammi wrote this blessing (Third Century, Tiberius)
May you live to see your world fulfilled.
May your destiny be for worlds still to come, and may you trust in generations past and yet to be. May your heart be filled with intuition and your words be filled with insight.
May songs of praise ever be upon your tongue and your vision be a straight path before you.
May your eyes shine with the light of holy words and your face reflect the brightness of the heavens.
May your cherished hopes be fulfilled in your lifetime; May you be worthy of life eternal; And may your ideals persist throughout the generations;
May your heart be filled with understanding; May your mouth speak wisdom; And may your tongue give expression to song;
May your eyes direct you straight forward; May they shine with the light of Torah; and may your countenance be as radiant as the bright firmament.
May your lips speak knowledge and righteousness; And may your feet swiftly take you to places where the words of God are heard.
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