JACS is a fellowship of Jewish alcoholics, addicts, and relatives who share our experience, strength, and hope in order to solve our common problems. JACS advocates 3 positions within the Jewish community*:
1. The disease of addiction happens to Jews. The age-old myth of Jewish immunity has hindered our attempts to address the problem.
2. JACS strives to provide an environment that promotes Jewish self-discovery. At the center of this self-scrutiny is the 12 Steps of recovery, which JACS believes works for everyone, regardless of background. The 12 Steps are not an obligatory part of the JACS program but they are strongly suggested as an opportunity for self-awareness and peace of mind.
3. JACS states that the 12 Steps of recovery emphasize spiritual and personal awareness, taking stock, and reaching out to others in need. These are basic Jewish values, and these values need to be exercised vigorously by the Jewish community in dealing with problems of alcoholism and chemical dependency.
The primary purpose of JACS is to offer an opportunity for spiritual renewal and healing from the perspective of Jewish tradition and belief, and to help those who still suffer find the resources they need within a Jewish community that embraces healing, compassion, and care.
JACS holds meetings both via Zoom and in person on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 7:30-8:30pm. Contact jacsarizona@gmail.com or call 602-692-1004 for more information.
* Olitzky, K. & Copans, S. 2006. Twelve Jewish Steps to Recovery. Jewish Lights Publishing. Woodstock, Vermont. pp. 106-109.
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